Excuse my
bad writings in english, since is not my usual language!
d'envol ("Laboratory of takeoff") is a design studio of wings of
free flight, placed at the foot of the mountains of Sant Mateu, 20 km
NE from Barcelona.
the Laboratori
designs, can be freely studied,
copied, and modified, with any purpose, the commercial one included,
without the need for my authorization. This is like
this to consider to impose restrictions at the ideas ridiculous. I only
expect in exchange, that the copies and derivative ideas are more
interesting than the initial, and that the models derived, if possible,
also be put into the public domain for study.
name of "Laboratori" has come out of the multiple experiments that I have
conducted for
many years,
with delta wings at scale,
even some at scale 1:1, essays of thread resistance, lines, and
fabrics, some models of paraglides of simple surface (the easiest to
construct), studies and theoretical calculations...
the tools of the Laboratory, being simple:
- computers equipped with GNU/Linux operating
system and software
a sewing machine
a small home workshop
some training hills (Rials)
sun, wind, gravity...
work in the field of the civil engineering, leaves me little spare
time to dedicate oneself to the Laboratori, so the designs advance
little to little, but also so provides me the money to develop new
studies ahead. If there is anybody interested in developing or knowing
more about one of the projects or other related, can write to this
e-mail: pere AT laboratoridenvol DOT com.
We review recent years:
year 2009 marked 10 years since the beginning of Laboratori d'envol,
with initial tests with the small parawing made in plastic, and later
in nylon,
in the grassy slopes of Tregurà de Dalt ... and a little later
would come the
first major design of the laboratory, the gnupwing.
2010 was the year of gnuLAB2
(renamed locally as "Barretina"). It
is probably only the first 100% Catalan wing (designed and built in
Catalonia), but also is the first paraglider flight in the world "GNU"
(plans freely available online).
In 2011 I started collaboration
with the new Spanish brand Adrenaline Paragliders with
several prototypes
and serial units already flying ...and a
great future ahead. The most successful wing is the BatLite, an
version of the simple surface
The year 2012 I published LEparagliding 2.0, with many improvements, and Manual 2.0. I have worked very hard on developing with Adrenaline friends the BatLite simple skin paraglider. Also a very important year for the contributions received, and the projects from others: the successful Scott's prototypes using LEparagling 2.0, the version BarretinaHyperLite "JAP" by Jeremy, or Single Skin Paragliders software by Nikolay. I also received visits from colleagues from Haute Normandie in France, and Switzerland ...
The year 2013 has been the year of the first "Laboratori Meeting" especially dedicated to the design and construction of single skin gliders. I was also the year of the construction of several projects BHL, the french paragliders "Bat", "JPS" and "Suluk"...!
Year 2014 has passed quietly. Improvements in LEparagliding earlier this year, especially for designs incorporate improvements "ss" (single skin) and also facilitate the design "pc" (parachute). There was not the second meeting of designing and building gliders, and the design center Les Escaules progresses more slowly than I would like. But a new BHL2 19 laf and BHL2 16 have been constructed in France. Extended network of contacts designers and builders.
During 2015 several improvements made to the program paragliding. Built new gliders BHL2-23 "Midnight", Just One from Trekking paragliders, and BHL2-21 Izhevsk (is near completion). New project gnu-A (a glider 100% "A"), with the special version of 20 m2 under construction.
For 2016 more ideas:
- Simplify and clarify everything the website
- Continue to improve LEparagliding. A GUI is requested with insistence.
- Working deeply in theoretical studies
- Possibility of "granting" some theoretical or practical studies...
- Create a forum
- Possible organization ot the second "Les Escaules Laboratory Meeting" in summer, especially oriented to the design and construction of single skin gliders.
For 2017:
- There are many interesting projects and studies to develop (LEparagliding, gnu-C, BHL4 ...), but until the summer we hope little news. Currently, devoting much energy to the study center Les Escaules!
Year 2018:
There are many researches and works to do. I'm now thinking about hang gliders programming, and going to the mountain.
you very much to all
friends who
support the
Laboratori around the world, united
around the
world of free flight.
Year 2023:
The dream of flying continues like the first day.
With our light and wonderful wings, we climb to the top of the mountain
and then fly to the bottom of the valley or the foot of the hill, and even gain height and go further.
That is why at the Laboratory we continue to study with technique and passion the wings of our dreams.
Year 2024
After a complicated year for personal reasons, on the first of
September 2024 we start the new season with ideas and a desire to work.
New software and new wings in preparation. The project of the study and
design center of Les Escaules is to receive a major boost in the coming
Teià-Barcelona, September 2024

Photo: Pere with BHL3, Ocata beach (Barcelona) march 2017
The free flight implies risks
that can only be known and they can be controled with a suitable formation on the part of a recognized school.
Not test wings without knowing their functioning. The
construction and test of experimental wings without certifying requires
deep knowledge of what is being made.