

GNUA 13 "Cagliari"
25 cells 13 m2 speed glider

1. Description

Figure 1. GNUA13 3D view generated by lep-3.19

GNUA13 is a mini paraglider "speedglider" with 25 cells and 13 m2 of flat surface.

This prototype was started to built in Mars 2022 by Marcello Gabrielli in Cagliari, Sardinia (Italy)

  This will be the fourth prototype of this model,
originally designed and built by Eric Fontaine (Tarnos, France),
  made later by Oleg Egorov (Minsk, Belarus), and later by Thierry Bosq  (France)

2. Technical data GNUA13C:

Cells number =  25
Flat area =  12.88 m2
Flat span =   7.00 m
Flat A/R =  3.81
Projected area =  11.34 m2
Projected span =   5.96 m
Projected A/R =  3.13
Flattening =    .12
Airfoil = gnuA
Wingtip airfoil= gnuat
True three rows design (A,B,C)
Lines design = A-2-6, B-3-9, C-2-6
Total line lenght = 127.5 m
This glider uses full continuous v-ribs (type 5)
Nose reinforcements: nylon rods

3. GNUA13 project updated to 2022 using program version 3.19

leparagliding.txt gnua.txt gnuat.txt lep-out.txt lines.txt
All input and output files (includes DXF in one zip) 20220724 GNUA13 (lep-3.19).zip

Figure 2. OpenSCAD output file.

4. Some pictures and videos of the construction:

Destructive test of an anchor. Of course, the procedure is not very "scientific",
but it is used to perform various sewing tests and verify that the system is working properly.
In this case the device broke below 75 kg. This paraglider uses full diagonals right and left,
then the maximum load will be even higher

We will add more details soon

All photos and videos by Marcello Gabrielli

Note: This wing flies and lands at high speed. It is necessary to be careful and use the appropriate technique, especially at high altitude and with weak winds.


LAB NOTE: Build a paraglider at home is a very complicated task , and requires many hours of work. Previous experience is required, and very inventive. As always remember that: The free flight implies risks that can only be known and they can be controled with a suitable formation on the part of a recognized school. Not test wings without knowing their functioning. The construction and test of experimental wings without certifying requires deep knowledge of what is being made.