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1. Improved brakes

A) Modification 1-2017

In December 2016, Thierry Bosq made some modifications in the brakes of his proto BHL2 21 m2, which improve the performances of the wing in turn (allow tighter turns).
The change affects the last five suspension lines of the high level of the brake lines and D line in the wingtip. Thanks to Thierry for sharing this improvement.

bhl2 new brakes


- Remove 3D17 line in the wingtip (in some protos was named 4D17)
- Remove 3F12, 3F13, 3F14, 3F15, 3F16 lines
Build new lines 3F5, 4F12, 4F13, 4F14, 4F16 according to the recommended lengths for each size
- Mount new lines according to attached scheme
- Line
4F16 is fixed in the point 16 passing first through a aluminum ring fixed at point 17

It can be verified that these modifications are equivalent to lifting the trailing edge gradually from +1.5 to +10 cm, between the ribs 12 and 17 (size 21, and proportionately in the other sizes). To update all other BHL2 sizes with this new configuration, it is enough to apply the corresponding scale coefficient k = SQRT (m2 objective size / m2 reference size):

bhl2 new brakes all

Modifications effect and pulling effect:
A) Modification 1-2017
pull effect

Files:  xls , dxf, pdf

B) Modification 6-2017

In May 2017, Thierry again changed the Alp'Skin brakes with a completely different distribution of lines. Based on its scheme, we propose a new set of brake lines, calculated using the LEP program. These lines have been calculated by loosening the tension about 10 cm between 70% and 100% of the semi span. As you can see in the data files: leparagliding-16.txt  leparagliding-19.txt leparagliding-21.txt leparagliding-23.txt

I f you want test the effect of the new brake lines, select your size here:  pdf or  dxf

C) Study of lines trees.

The main difference in modification B) is that the number of anchor points is much smaller.
It is possible that during the braking action, the trailing edge takes more pronounced lobes.
The braking is "less efficient", and the air "escapes" more easily between the lobes, and thus the overall speed (with symmetrical or asymmetrical braking) is higher.
There are other effects related to the shape of the lines trees.
It would be necessary to study more systematically.
I made a drawing, initiator of the type of study to do, only a few ideas.

Arbres de lignes

D) Modification 8-2017

Another optional modification. These lines have been calculated by loosening the tension about 10 cm between 70% and 100% of the semi span. As you can see in the data files: leparagliding-16.txt  leparagliding-19.txt leparagliding-21.txt leparagliding-23.txt

If you want test the effect of the new brake lines, select your size here:  pdf or  dxf