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Soaring miniwing for sustained wind

By Eric Fontaine (Tarnos, France)

Figure 1. Hegala 14 "Wing" in Basque

1. Description

DIY friends, here is an evolution of the 2016 GNUA13, it was time to design a new mini soaring wing for strong winds…

I present to you: HEGALA 14 “Hegala = Wing” in Basque

The objective of this wing is soaring on the dunes of my region: Atlantic coast of France.

The few innovations compared to the GNUA13, after the validation of certain construction techniques on various prototypes: kites and single-skin paragliders are:

- The sail now has 3 more cells, its surface is 14.30m².
- The general shape is slightly modified, the trailing edge is almost straight.
- The profile is modified, the upper surface is getting closer to a straight line shape which will perhaps make it possible to obtain a more or less self-stable wing, the lower surface is not modified.
- The use of risers with trim may be possible without risk of collapse, to be tested.
- Profile with increase and optimization of the holes in relation to the attachment points, this should make it possible to avoid deformation of the fabric while distributing the holes in an optimal way.
- The GNUA13 had reinforcements on the nose of the profile in mylar, now they are Ø2mm plastic rods (tuna fishing line
- The diagonals are no longer in one piece, there is one piece per row. Lighter structure, to be validated according to the deformations of the extrados.
- The number of cells goes from 25 cells to 28 cells, so there will be a slightly greater aspect ratio.
- The number of closed cells is increased in order to obtain a harmonious shape at the wing tip.
- The two profiles at the tips have a reduction coefficient (y) of 0.85 then 0.7, on the GNUA13 all the profiles were with a coefficient (y) of 1.
- The end of the wing (feather) is not suspended: harmonious shape? We will see this in the photos of the finished wing.
- The trailing edge will be thinner with S-shaped mini-ribs, this will validate the DAO recovery technique for the mini-ribs (S)
- Row C is slightly set back and the brakes are fixed on the profile just before the trailing edge.
- Small Ø8 holes are present on the trailing edge on the lower surface to empty the sand from the dunes, this wing being designed to fly at the beach.
- The planned initial calage setting is 22%, to be confirmed and validated during the tests.
- The line cone is a little longer, the objective being to slightly dampen the movements of the wing, roll and pitch.
- The brake lines are taken 1 cell out of 2 in order to reduce the tedious splicing work...
- The lines will be in Liros DC120 and DC200 and the risers in dyneema Ø4mm
- The cutting of the panels will be done by laser: by laser diode (not CO2) with a suction table for fabric, for the GNUA13 the fabric was directly inserted into the plan plotter...
- The plan of the wing will be freely accessible.

2. Technical data:

Cells =  28
Surface =  14.30 m2
Span =   7.63 m
Aspect ratio =  4.07
Projected surface =  12.46 m2
Projected span =   6.41 m
Projected AR =  3.30
Aplanissement =    .13
  Airfoil Hegala profil.txt
  Airfoil Hegala wintip profilt.txt
Three liner concept

Lines = A-2-6, B-3-8, C-2-6 Brakes 1-3-7
Longueur total de lignes = 132.27 m
Data files leparagliding.txt
lep-out.txt lines.txt leparagliding.dxf lep-3d.dxf

Laboratori note: These are not Eric Fontaine's "official" DXF plans. This is the LEparagliding direct output.
For study only. Does not include improved mini-ribs, DXF pagination, and other details. We have to wait for the flight tests and make sure that everything is correct...!

3. Screenshots:

Figure 2. Cut

Figure 3. Rib Hegala and minirib

Figure 4. Hegala 3D

Hegala 3D
Figure 5. Hegala 3D

August 1, 2022. Hegala under construction! Finished half of the wing...

1. Hegala 2022-08-06

4. 2022-08-07 Only three boxes left and the sewing will be finished, attached are some photos.

7. HEGALA complete including nylons (2022-08-13)

The next day to build the lines...
8. Adjusting ideal calage in the beach...
9. First! (2022-08-15)

"Je suis très content du comportement,
le vrillage semble parfait"

Hegala first flight (15-8-2022). Only a few hours after leaving the sewing machine!

4. Analysis XFLR5 and CFD

HEGALA wing analysis with xflr5 using the geometry exported with the new version of LEparagliding 3.20.

Hegala analysis v6 using XFLR5 and CFD

LAB NOTE: Build a paraglider at home is a very complicated task (even simple skin), and requires many hours of work. Previous experience is required, and very inventive. As always remember that: The free flight implies risks that can only be known and they can be controled with a suitable formation on the part of a recognized school. Not test wings without knowing their functioning. The construction and test of experimental wings without certifying requires deep knowledge of what is being made.