
Barretina Hyper Lite 3

Flat area =  27.00 m2  290.7 ft2, Flat span =  12.36 m    40.6 ft, Flat A/R =  5.66
Ribs number =  40, Cells number =  39, Closed cells 7
Projected area =  23.22 m2  249.9 ft2, Projected span =   9.93 m    32.6 ft
Projected A/R =  4.25. Flattening =    .14, Finesse GR   8.50 (planned), Total height hcp  757.14
Special characteristics: progressive rotation of the profiles in the planform between 0º and 10º (non-parallel profiles).
Several flights made in mono and Bi. Interesting results, but the modifications made no longer allow the prototype to be used stably.
It would be necessary to make a new prototype, introducing some changes

March 2017

Note 1: "changes en profil"  Ceci est la partie la plus difficile. Le profil original était trop plat.  Pour modifier le profil sans avoir à changer toute l'aile... j'ai calculé petits allongements en lignes des triangles B et C, et donc le profil a plus de courbure.  Adrenaline a construit des
 nouvelles lignes! :)

Note 2: "changes de calage" j'ai des élévateurs spéciaux (j'appelle "les jaunes") avec un ajustement de +-15 cm pour chaque élévateur B,C,D. On peux faire donc de nombreux tests et trouver le calage idéal.

Modified airfoil and calage test in Ocata beach
BHL3 Ocata beach

October 2016
Flights tests in Castellfollit del Boix (2016-10-12):
Test pilot: Albert
BHL3 Castellfollit del Boix

August 2016

Images of the first prototype based on BHL3c, size 27 m2 (Bi), constructor Adrenaline Paragliders.
Fotos: Premià de Mar beach, August 28, 2016




Return to BHL3-X project

LAB NOTE: Build a paraglider at home is a very complicated task , and requires many hours of work. Previous experience is required, and very inventive. As always remember that: The free flight implies risks that can only be known and they can be controled with a suitable formation on the part of a recognized school. Not test wings without knowing their functioning. The construction and test of experimental wings without certifying requires deep knowledge of what is being made.

index laboratori d'envol