gnuLAB2 rib FEM structural analysis
We conducted a finite element model to analyze the stresses and strains of a rib membrane, for various angles of attack.
The results are not even approximate, until now. I use a discretization
type by quadrangular shell elements, acting as menbrane and plate.
The loads to be
applied are puntual forces on the nodes of the contour, with numeric
value and direction indicated by an XFLR5 analysis.
Furthermore, I should
study better the mechanical properties of ripstop nylon material.
Finally, the boundary conditions consist of four thin lines (beam
element) that connect the four anchor points of the rib, with a point
of the main
karabiner, in which I impose all rotational and translational movements zero. All analysis in 2D plane.

Fig 1. Shell F12

Fig 2. Shell MMIN

Fig. 3. V23 shell shear